Welcome to Paraidise Island Drive-In Theater
Welcome to the Paradise Drive-In Theater
Sponsored By: The Labyrinth

We thank you for coming to The Paridise Drive-In and we hope to see you for the next movie.

We will be posting the movies on the
"Now Showing" Stands
located in front of the Concession Stand.

"This theater was recreated out of love for a place that I worked and had some of the best times of my life at. The owner was like a big brother to me and the night it burned a piece of me whent with it. I will never forget the people and friends that worked with me and with this recreation in Second Life maybe a few more people can enjoy it the way I did."

All of the models for this Drive-In were made from pictures and my memories of working there. Monte-Jinx
The Back of the Screen dose have ASTRO on it but that is how the Screen was at the orginal theater.

Copyright: GMDBusiness Solutions.com / Montemeshworks.com